We are used to making solutions fly
in complex organizations
2 DAX-listed Automotive
2 leading Pharma Companies
(incl. OTC)
Several Online
SpendWorx works: what our clients typically achieve
5 to 20 % higher Marketing ROI
1 to 3 % higher turnover year-on-year
Impact level achieved depends on a number of factors…
Optimization of budget allocation across countries, product groups and brands yields higher gains than optimizing “only” across marketing and sales activities and media channels
Impact is higher if SpendWorx becomes an integral element of the whole budgeting and planning process on a monthly or even weekly basis
Impact is higher if SpendWorx is used to optimize Marketing AND Sales levers including pricing and promotion
Case studies
There is lots of hard evidence of the significant impact a solution like SpendWorx® has on Marketing ROI.
Here are three case studies — the first two from SpendWorx® clients, the last a published, peer-reviewed paper.
global FMCG player
- Optimization in 1 country across 11 brands and subbrands using SpendWorx®
- Spanning all offline and digital media channels
- Explicit consideration of brand spillovers and long-term brand effect
increase in value sales
across brand portfolio in a mature European market
Major German
insurance company
(direct insurance, risk and saving)
- Dynamic optimization across 3 product groups and 3 B2C channels using SpendWorx®
- All marketing and sales activities including sales commissions and promotional offers
- Explicit optimization of the long-term brand effect
year-on-year increase in leads
(net of price / promotion effects)
consumer drugs
(published by Fischer et al. 2011)
- Optimized budget allocation across
4 product groups worldwide - Optimization based on marketing efficiency, profit contribution & growth expectation
- Focus on Marketing levers and sales activities for different target groups
EBIT increase
(and 4 % revenue increase) in year 1
For whom is SpendWorx best-suited
and how fast does it pay back?

Medium to large marketing & sales budget (>5 Mio EUR p.a.)

Industries with ongoing marketing activities and at least 3 years of back data

Companies that need to optimize across a portfolio of products, brands and countries take most value out of SpendWorx

SpendWorx is industry-agnostic. However, FMCG companies benefit additionally from a very quick implementation due to standardized data interfaces and our data partnerships with industry leaders
Assuming a conservative 10% increase of Marketing ROI (roughly speaking constant sales with 10% lower budget) the investment into SpendWorx pays back in under 6 months. Most scientific papers cite efficiency gains of 10-30%.